how to facet
gemstone main cabochon creation
min data

Mineral: quartz
Gem: lepidochrosite in amethyst
Size: 12x17 mm
Carat: 5.2 ct
Cut: kite
Origin: Brazil
Genral Info: The name is derived from the German "quarz" of uncertain origin. It was called "krystallos" by the Greeks, but this later became the generic term for crystal.
Additional Information
The stone is a native cut to show off the inclusions and not for light return. The reddish needles in the stone are lepidochrosite (an iron oxide/hydroxide mineral). Since the stone is partially amethyst (getting its color form iron) it is not an infrequent combination in iron rich environments.
Closeup of the lepidochrosite needles and part of the amethyst center of color.